LVRAC +++ Calendar
Events in January 2025
SunSunday | MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday |
December 29, 2024(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC Thunderbird NET – 10 Meter Net on 28.420 MHz. Upper Side Band. This net promotes activity on the 10 Meter Band and encourages experimentation with antennas for both ground wave and sky wave propagation. 10 Meter HF Frequency (28.420 MHz.) |
December 30, 2024
December 31, 2024(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC NET – |
January 1, 2025
January 2, 2025(2 events) 9:00 am: Vertical Ground Plane Tests Robert (N7GET) and Rudi (K7RAW) are planning a field test of what Steve (K7EAU) suggested in comparing vertical antennas using different ground plane configurations, all radiators are telescopic whips tuned to resonance (no ATU) on 20 meters:
We’ll use both RBN and PSK Reporter to check signal reports multiple times to get an average. Time permitting, we might even do a receive sensitivity test too. If you’d like to come watch or maybe bring a different antenna to test, we’ll have the station all set up with a coax switch to connect to your coax to your antenna. We’re planning to do this nominally on Thursday Jan 2 at Lone Mountain park, Gazebo #F (atop the western hill). We’ll be set up to operate by 0900. We’ll have the gazebo tented off with a heater against any chilly weather to make it toasty comfy inside, so don’t let wind or rain deter you anymore. Bring your own food and drinks. If you plan to come, please RSVP Rudi in case we have to punt to Friday due to REALLY nasty weather. RSVP to: Rudi Wiedemann - K7RAW, The Antenna Whisperer, 775-287-7756, Lone Mountain Park 7:00 pm: LVRAC Thursday "Knights" Roundtable NET – The LVRAC Thursday “Knights” RoundTable is currently conducted every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM PST on the K7UGE – LINKED repeaters. RoundTable is an open discussion on amateur radio topics selected by members and friends of the Las Vegas Radio Amateur Club. Please join the RoundTable every Thursday and listen to the “Hams” chew… K7UGE Linked Repeater System Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 |
January 3, 2025
January 4, 2025(2 events) 6:00 am: Las Vegas Monthly HAM Swap Meet – On the first Saturday of every month, the local "HAMS" gather at the parking lot of the PETERSON CENTER 6455 Dean Martin Drive. The swap meet is a non-sponsored event. It is held rain or shine and on holidays. There is no charge to set up and sell at this gathering. Selling begins at sunrise and typically runs 2-3 hours, depending on the amount of items and buyers present. Swap meet space is generously provided by:Houdini Magic Shops, Munari Auctions, and KIYQ 107.1 FM 7:00 am: Monthly Breakfast – Monthly Breakfast at Mr. Mamas, 5693 South Jones Boulevard, STE 106, Las Vegas, NV 89118
Mr Mamas |
January 5, 2025(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC Thunderbird NET – 10 Meter Net on 28.420 MHz. Upper Side Band. This net promotes activity on the 10 Meter Band and encourages experimentation with antennas for both ground wave and sky wave propagation. 10 Meter HF Frequency (28.420 MHz.) |
January 6, 2025
January 7, 2025(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC NET – |
January 8, 2025(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC OAR (Outdoor Amateur Radio) NET – The LVRAC OAR Net is held on the second Wednesday of the month to provide practical information about portable operating, and to show why amateur radio and the great outdoors is such an enjoyable combination. Questions concerning any aspect of portable operating are always welcome.
K7UGE Linked Repeater System Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 |
January 9, 2025(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC Thursday "Knights" Roundtable NET – The LVRAC Thursday “Knights” RoundTable is currently conducted every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM PST on the K7UGE – LINKED repeaters. RoundTable is an open discussion on amateur radio topics selected by members and friends of the Las Vegas Radio Amateur Club. Please join the RoundTable every Thursday and listen to the “Hams” chew… K7UGE Linked Repeater System Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 |
January 10, 2025
January 11, 2025
January 12, 2025(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC Thunderbird NET – 10 Meter Net on 28.420 MHz. Upper Side Band. This net promotes activity on the 10 Meter Band and encourages experimentation with antennas for both ground wave and sky wave propagation. 10 Meter HF Frequency (28.420 MHz.) |
January 13, 2025
January 14, 2025(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC NET – |
January 15, 2025(1 event) 6:00 pm: LVRAC General Meeting – Monthly meeting of the LVRAC Members, Friends and Guests. Social Hour starts at 6:00 PM Business Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM |
January 16, 2025(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC Thursday "Knights" Roundtable NET – The LVRAC Thursday “Knights” RoundTable is currently conducted every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM PST on the K7UGE – LINKED repeaters. RoundTable is an open discussion on amateur radio topics selected by members and friends of the Las Vegas Radio Amateur Club. Please join the RoundTable every Thursday and listen to the “Hams” chew… K7UGE Linked Repeater System Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 |
January 17, 2025
January 18, 2025
January 19, 2025(2 events) All day: Quartzfest All day Quartzfest is an annual HAM Radio RV and Tenters Boondocking event. It is located 7 miles south of Quartzsite, AZ on US 95 at La Paz Valley Rd. For more information see the Quartzfest website: We hope to see you there. 7:00 pm: LVRAC Thunderbird NET – 10 Meter Net on 28.420 MHz. Upper Side Band. This net promotes activity on the 10 Meter Band and encourages experimentation with antennas for both ground wave and sky wave propagation. 10 Meter HF Frequency (28.420 MHz.) |
January 20, 2025(1 event) All day: Quartzfest All day Quartzfest is an annual HAM Radio RV and Tenters Boondocking event. It is located 7 miles south of Quartzsite, AZ on US 95 at La Paz Valley Rd. For more information see the Quartzfest website: We hope to see you there. |
January 21, 2025(2 events) All day: Quartzfest All day Quartzfest is an annual HAM Radio RV and Tenters Boondocking event. It is located 7 miles south of Quartzsite, AZ on US 95 at La Paz Valley Rd. For more information see the Quartzfest website: We hope to see you there. 7:00 pm: LVRAC NET – |
January 22, 2025(1 event) All day: Quartzfest All day Quartzfest is an annual HAM Radio RV and Tenters Boondocking event. It is located 7 miles south of Quartzsite, AZ on US 95 at La Paz Valley Rd. For more information see the Quartzfest website: We hope to see you there. |
January 23, 2025(2 events) All day: Quartzfest All day Quartzfest is an annual HAM Radio RV and Tenters Boondocking event. It is located 7 miles south of Quartzsite, AZ on US 95 at La Paz Valley Rd. For more information see the Quartzfest website: We hope to see you there. 7:00 pm: LVRAC Thursday "Knights" Roundtable NET – The LVRAC Thursday “Knights” RoundTable is currently conducted every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM PST on the K7UGE – LINKED repeaters. RoundTable is an open discussion on amateur radio topics selected by members and friends of the Las Vegas Radio Amateur Club. Please join the RoundTable every Thursday and listen to the “Hams” chew… K7UGE Linked Repeater System Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 |
January 24, 2025(1 event) All day: Quartzfest All day Quartzfest is an annual HAM Radio RV and Tenters Boondocking event. It is located 7 miles south of Quartzsite, AZ on US 95 at La Paz Valley Rd. For more information see the Quartzfest website: We hope to see you there. |
January 25, 2025(2 events) All day: Quartzfest All day Quartzfest is an annual HAM Radio RV and Tenters Boondocking event. It is located 7 miles south of Quartzsite, AZ on US 95 at La Paz Valley Rd. For more information see the Quartzfest website: We hope to see you there. 7:00 am: Winter Field Day – Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 25, 2025 to participate in the Winter Field Day. Our club will be operating at Majestic Park on the city's Northwest side, not far from Lone Mountain Road and 215. The exact Address: 9955 W Alexander Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89129 This site offers plenty of room for antennas, good elevation, and an exceptional line of sight to the East/Northeast. Our goal is to have fun. We are not looking at this outing as competitive contesting for the Winter Field Day, but an opportunity for a good time. Our local call in frequency will be 146.5500 simplex. We will be operating in Winter Field Day with the callsign of N7L. Set up starts at 7:00 AM. The Winter Field Day event starts at 8:00 AM. We will continue operating until approximately 4:00 PM. For information on the Winter Field Day event go to: In addition to the Winter Field Day contest stations, at 9:00 AM a DMR station will participate on the World Wide Net. The Las Vegas Check-ins usually start at about 10:30 AM. The net usually continues until about 12:00 PM. So bring your gear, dress warm, and join us, or just stop by to visit. Please bring your own food and beverages. If you're a newly licensed operator, new to our club, or new to Las Vegas, we're extending a special invitation. It would be great to meet you. Majestic Park |
January 26, 2025(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC Thunderbird NET – 10 Meter Net on 28.420 MHz. Upper Side Band. This net promotes activity on the 10 Meter Band and encourages experimentation with antennas for both ground wave and sky wave propagation. 10 Meter HF Frequency (28.420 MHz.) |
January 27, 2025
January 28, 2025(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC NET – |
January 29, 2025
January 30, 2025(1 event) 7:00 pm: LVRAC Thursday "Knights" Roundtable NET – The LVRAC Thursday “Knights” RoundTable is currently conducted every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM PST on the K7UGE – LINKED repeaters. RoundTable is an open discussion on amateur radio topics selected by members and friends of the Las Vegas Radio Amateur Club. Please join the RoundTable every Thursday and listen to the “Hams” chew… K7UGE Linked Repeater System Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 |
January 31, 2025
February 1, 2025(2 events) 6:00 am: Las Vegas Monthly HAM Swap Meet – On the first Saturday of every month, the local "HAMS" gather at the parking lot of the PETERSON CENTER 6455 Dean Martin Drive. The swap meet is a non-sponsored event. It is held rain or shine and on holidays. There is no charge to set up and sell at this gathering. Selling begins at sunrise and typically runs 2-3 hours, depending on the amount of items and buyers present. Swap meet space is generously provided by:Houdini Magic Shops, Munari Auctions, and KIYQ 107.1 FM 7:00 am: Monthly Breakfast – Monthly Breakfast at Mr. Mamas, 5693 South Jones Boulevard, STE 106, Las Vegas, NV 89118
Mr Mamas |
Upcoming Events and Activities
Radio Day at Spring Mountain Ranch State Park
See LVRAC details in our calendar.
February 9, 2025
Las Vegas Science and Technology Festival
See LVRAC details in our calendar.
May 3, 2025
ARRL Field Day
See LVRAC details in our calendar.
June 28-29, 2025