LVRAC Repeaters
The Las Vegas Radio Amateur Radio Club operates the K7UGE – LINKED repeaters on 146.940 MHz (PL 100.0) and 448.500 MHz (PL 100.0) both with the standard offsets.
SPECIAL NOTE: Due to Construction at Southern Hills Hospital the 448.500 MHz UHF repeater has temporarily moved to the Westgate Resort & Casino.
There is a new addition to the K7UGE family of repeaters. The new repeater is located at the City of Las Vegas Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at 7551 W. Sauer Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada. This repeater is a 2-meter VHF repeater with a frequency of 146.910 MHz, standard negative offset and a PL tone of 100.0 Hz. This repeater is currently active, so please feel free to use and test it out.
The LVRAC Net is conducted every Tuesday at 7:00 PM PST on K7UGE – LINKED repeaters on 146.940 MHz and 448.500 MHz. with standard offsets and both with a PL tone of 100Hz.
LVRAC Thursday “Knights” RoundTable
The LVRAC Thursday “Knights” RoundTable is currently conducted every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM PST on the K7UGE – LINKED repeaters. The RoundTable is an open discussion on amateur radio topics selected by members and friends of the Las Vegas Radio Amateur Club. Please join the RoundTable every Thursday and listen to the “Hams” chew…
The LVRAC Thunderbird Net meets every Sunday at 7:00 PM PST on 28.420 MHz USB (Upper Side Band). This net promotes activity on the ten (10) meter band, and encourages experimentation with antennas for both ground wave and sky wave propagation.
How to Program the LVRAC Repeaters into your Baofeng
Jay Frumkin – WJ3EP has created a couple of “How To” sheets on programing a Baofeng UV-5R handheld dual band UHF/VHF radio with the frequencies of the two Linked K7UGE repeaters. To print or view the sheets (one for each of the bands) click the links below.
How to Program the LVRAC VHF Repeater into a Baofeng UV-5R
How to Program the LVRAC UHF Repeater into a Baofeng UV-5R
LOCAL Repeater Lists:
Jerry Sobel – K0MBB
has created a list of local 2m and 70cm repeaters in Excel spreadsheet format that can be downloaded (see directly below) and converted to a CSV file for use in importing when programming your radio with CHIRP .
To download or view the current Southern Nevada Repeater List compiled by the Southern Nevada Council of Clubs, click on the following: