Full membership is open to all licensed amateurs. Family membership is open to licensed hams who are the spouse or child of a full member living at the same address. If the full member is a minor, then family membership is open to licensed hams who are the parent or sibling of the full member living at the same address. Associate membership is open to all other persons interested in Amateur Radio communications. Distinguished membership shall be accorded to any existing LVRAC member who has continuously maintained their LVRAC membership for a consecutive five (5) year period immediately preceding their seventieth (70th) birthday, and who has attained the age of seventy (70) years, and any and all dues which would be subsequently due from such member are thereafter waived.
Full membership includes all corporation privileges as well as the right to vote in any and all elections and to stand for and hold corporate office. Associate membership includes all corporate privileges except the right to vote in any elections or to hold any corporate office. Family members may achieve Full Membership by independently paying the dues required of Full Members.
Applicants whose applications are approved shall become members of the corporation upon payment of any required dues.
The Club operates on a calendar year (January through December). Membership dues are $30.00 per year. Dues are the same for either Full, Family or Associate Membership. New Members are furnished with a badge and current “year” sticker, renewals receive a new “year” sticker for their existing badge.
Replacement Badges cost $5.00 each.
To Apply for membership, simply download and print the LVRAC Membership Application and complete the necessary information. Then either mail the application and check or money order payable to the Las Vegas Radio Amateur Club to the Club’s Post Office box listed on application, or bring the completed application and payment to the Club’s monthly meeting.
To Print or View the application, click the link below: